The God Of High School Wiki
The God Of High School Wiki

Oh Seongjin is the chairman of the Ohsung group and has affiliations with Nox. He attempted to obtain Bongseon from Yu Mira legally through marriage for Nox.


Seongjin is a well-kept man that wears large eyeglasses at all times. He has relatively long light-purple hair and lavender eyes.


Seongjin seems friendly at first but in reality he is manipulative and condescending. He asked Mira to marry him because he wanted to get her sword, a National Treasure, so that he could give it to Nox.[1] He must be very smart since he is the chairman of a very profitable organization.


A Round With God[]

He spots Mira Yoo walking around with Mori Jin and Daewi Han one day and recognizes her sword as a sword of value. When Mira and Mori take after another purse-snatcher, Seongjin pursues as well. He takes Mira's sword to take down the purse snatcher and confirms it to be the National Treasure, Bongseon. He asks Mira for her hand in marriage right there. He goes to Mira's uncle for his permission until Mira eventually accepts out of financial need.[1]

At the wedding, he reveals his sadistic nature to Mira's uncle when he attempts to halt the wedding.[1] After getting Mira's uncle and cousin taken away, he stands on the altar with Mira about to say their vows when Mori and Daewi come bursting in to stop her from marrying. After taking a while to convince her, Mi-Ra admits she doesn't want to marry him to his condemnation. He then attacks her with a sword of his own only to get cut down by Mi-Ra's Moon Light Sword Style. He takes her National Treasure and then flees while he can.

RE: A Round With God[]

He is seen in a flashback of Peach heading off to join Neo Nox.[2]


Oh Sung-Jin2

Enhanced Speed: He is quick enough to earn Mori's admiration and even surprises him at one point.[1]

Swordsmanship: He appears to be at least proficient with a sword.[1]


Samurai: His charyeok takes the form of a samurai and is the fourth one seen in the series.

