The God Of High School Wiki
Huh? H..hey? Hold on... I'm still transforming..

"Huh? H..hey? Hold on... I'm still transforming... okay?!"

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Left Horn is a minotaur and soldier of Uma's castle in the Sage Realm. He along with Right Horn are the biological brothers of the Oxen King, Uma.


He is a tall Minotaur with red skin. He wears a piercing through his nose.






He is a capable fighter, that can take some hits. He can use the Minotaur Magic called Horn magic. He is also able to use the pacho fan, though only for a limited amount of time and he isn't able to use its full potential.

Martial Arts[]

Heavenly Arts[]

Horn Magic: He can create horns out of thin air. These horns are durable as they were able to take a lot of attacks.

