Hoe Grab is a kick used to grab an opponent in a lock position. The fighter feints a reverse kick with one leg and uses that leg to hold the arms of the opponent to pull down their arms and expose themselves. Can be used on other types of defences and not just guards as shown with Mori and Satans fight when Satan used Hoe grab to pull down Mori`s staff to reveal an opening or when Dean used it on Jose Natasha Violeta Alexandors to pull down his shield.
Renewal Taekwondo[]
In Renewal Taekwondo it can be used with variety of combinations with other skills including Spinning Top Kick and 3rd Stance Hwechook. There is at least two variation of this technique. One is by using the opponent's arm as leverage to deliver a knee to the opponent's head with the other leg. The other is performed by hooking one's leg onto an opponent's armpit to flip the person.
Northern ITF Taekwondo[]
Northern ITF Taekwondo use this technique with right flamingo stance and use it to create an opportunity to use Right Flamingo: Three-Pronged Strike, a Northern Korean equivalent of 3rd Stance Hwechook.
The Northern ITF Taekwondo Hoe Grab isn't properly named in the webtoon.