The God Of High School Wiki

Huh? H..hey? Hold on... I'm still transforming..

"Huh? H..hey? Hold on... I'm still transforming... okay?!"

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Deer is a member of the Four Pillars of Fate.


Deer is a man of rather average height with a skinny built, brownish hair and black eyes. He is generally seen wearing large circular glasses and a robe. His head has two large deer antlers that pierce through his hood, and he is generally seen to be barefoot or something close.


Deer is shown to be a very sadistic individual that appears to be one of if not the most loyal disciple of Tathagata, as seen on many occasions such as him apologizing for breaking the Taboo placed on him even saying that him doing so was 'foolishness'. Additionally he appeared in front of Ryong activating a barrier in an attempt to stop him from using his true power because of the promise he had made to their master. Deer's most exemplified trait is his sadistic nature, with him revelling in the deaths of others, and even smiling at the sight of death. This also seems to extend towards his allies as he had no problem threatening to kill Ryong simply because he touched him. Deer finds joy from hurting others whether that be physically battering them or mentally breaking them even if slowly as he showed no remorse when attacking Yu Mira's insecurities about her actions and her. Even going so far as to shame her throughout their entire battle trying to convince her that they were the same, and that she was a horrible person as he expected it to damage or break her mentally. Using his knowledge of events such as her giving up the Sages arm back to Daewi, and her attempts to help people to say that she was using it to justify her being a good person despite her being nothing but a vile woman. Deer like many Gods seems to harbour a deep hatred for humans, which appears to be greatly amplified from his position as the Forest God. It can be assumed that because of the time that he had been alive he had witnessed all of human development and how they damaged the earth leading to his hatred to greatly grow.

He believes that his job is to 'return the world' to its rightful owner, being nature as its rule was stripped away by humans. His hatred for humans grew so deep to the point that he called humans in the area a stench, with the compact nature of them being so close able to make him convulse and nearly throw up. This went to the point of him stating that he can barely breathe when enough humans are in the area. He views humans as similar to a cockroach infestation, showing nefarious glee when thinking about exterminating them. He even views this task as 'purifying the world' leading to him showing no remorse for the death of humans, exterminating men, women, children etc. all humans in the area were subject to his genocide. Deer is extremely overconfident in his abilities, constantly looking down on others around him. During his battle with Mira on multiple occasions he mocked her attempts to battle back as she no longer had the Jade Emperors body. Thus there was no way he could lose to a simple human as they were far too weak to do anything against him. This overconfidence alongside his hatred have led him to believe humans as useless as they not only have no power but are a plague upon the planet which he must purge. This overconfidence negatively affects him however, as he cannot fathom the idea of losing or the fact that he may not be able to accomplish a task not backing down even when there appears to be no hope as he will be able to accomplish it.

Deer also appears to have a quick temper and is easily thrown off of his game when things may not go his way, this is seen on many occasions such as when Han Daewi gained the Black Book and when Mira was not easily defeated by him despite being a human causing him to go into a rage. Even going so far as to say his pride wouldn't allow his defence to be pierced even when his enemy was a foe even to him in all attributes. When finally defeated he acknowledges his opponent's strength, but still refuses defeat attempting to take them out with him if at all possible. This is best seen after he was defeated by Mira, despite being seemingly killed he was still adamant on killing her and everyone in the area even if it meant that the world of his master would be defiled or tainted because of it. As his pride would not allow him to simply be defeated


Deer was once a normal member of a tribe of deer like beings that seemed to live in one of the Heavenly Realms. One day he was met by Tathagata and offered him power, and that the moment that he accepted such power he would be one of his disciples. However he would have to sever all ties to the material world, meaning he would need to murder the rest of his people with his own two hands. Deer committed this task with no hesitation.


RE: A Round With God[]

When Park Mubong became the Supreme God and summoned the temple of Tathagata, Deer appeared alongside the other pillars of fate before his master. Alongside his fellow pillars he prevented Dan Mori from landing a blow on his master before being told to stay out of the battle by Mubong. Deer is seen again during the battle between Dan and Ryong, appearing next to him shrouding the dragon in a barrier telling him that he tried to use his power and if he had forgotten his promise. The God was quickly bitten in half by Ryong though he regenerated soon after, searching for the Yongpyo within his Black Book he compliments the armour stating that it was like 'his clothes' but far stronger. Stating that while its defence is enough to stop even Mandala it may not be the same if it is assaulted by temperature and pressure in conjunction, freezing the armoursuit and putting massive pressure on it causing it to completely shatter and be destroyed. He is then caught in the barrier of The Hope: Sovereignty, being cursed by Lee Sujin he attempts to destroy Sujin, Dan and Dean but is stopped by Ryong as it was too close to the temple of Tathagata. Stating that Ryong is soft and that if he put in more effort he could do far more, he also tells him that if he ever laid a hand on him again he would kill him. Removing the curse from both himself and Ryong he then leaves the area.

When Mira and her people were attempting to live in the world and find good water. Attempting to assault Mira mentally by trying to say all the good which she had done recently was a front to make herself feel better. Introducing himself as the Forest God, Deer spreads roots around the area destroying buildings, and burrowing underground to find the humans that lived below. Breaking through the ground Deer begins to convulse from the fact that the humans were in such a compact area, upon finding them he began to spread his roots to where the humans were standing. Extending them Deer sliced the humans into pieces, and upon doing so the humans which were killed by his roots were transformed into plants that bloomed lotuses Stating that he would purify the world and fill the world with the smell of lotuses, he uses the pollen from his flowers to cause many of the humans to explode. The roots of his flowers are cut into two by Mira, who attempts to slash him with her blade though it is easily blocked by Deer using his black book. Deer states that he likes Mira, before telling her that she stands no chance without the Jade Emperors body, while continuing his massacre and attempting to break Mira mentally. After Mira accepts her past and activates the national treasures of Seo Hanryang and her borrowed power Deer slashes the woman preventing her attack. Blocking a second attack from Mira, Deer identifies that she has fragments of the Jade Emperors power all over her body. With this discovery he began to casually block all strikes that Mira threw at him stating she needs to use her tricks otherwise she'd be dead soon. When the rest of the humans with Mira attempted to protect her Deer goes into a rage stating they need to mind their business and that they need to keep blooming while attacking Mira causing her arm bone to break from the socket.

Seeing that The Blade Of Tathagata is impressive he states that it's time to stop messing around, ripping off his Antler he breaks the Taboo placed on his body asking for his masters forgiveness since he only did so to retrieve the Blade. Creating a tornado with his petals, he compresses the power of his antlers into a weapon sending it downward to kill Mira it is blocked by Mira's newfound Project Wifi. Clashing with Mira he questions if she really just blocked his attack with her human body, upon their second clash he comments how the attack may not have been a coincidence and that she cant beat him while protecting those people. This thought causes him to remember his past with Tathagata, sending him into another rage he yells that Mira is no match for him. Activating 12,000 Lotuses he creates two large attacks creating 12000 attacks with different attacks to attempt to kill Mira. These Lotuses are countered by respective borrowed powers, realizing that Mira had countered all of his attacks he states that his pride wont allow it. Transforming into a large deer he attempts to attack her but has his fingers sliced off, being stabbed immediately after. Transforming back into his original form he compliments her but states that she cant save everyone, sacrificing his antlers, he creates large a large lotus which explodes turning everything in the area into a lotus. Deer is seen again when Rabbit comes to the sight of his loss, causing him to get up from his spot. Thinking how he lost to a human he grows angry then seemingly grows complacent as he gets his wounds and horns regenerated telling Rabbit to leave the wounds on his stomach so he cant forget his disgrace. Requesting Mubong's weapon he promises to return it.

After Mubong summons the pillars to assist him in battle Deer is seen behind him kneeling with the rest of his allies. Rushing in towards Daewi, Deer immediately breaks his taboo activating the Bell of All evils to stop him. In conjunction with this he activates his lotuses, though this is immediately countered by Daewi's Fundamental Forces blowing off half of his body. Deer immediately regenerated this and comments how while he is weaker then Ryong, the Blade of Tathagata once belonged to them, and how it came from the same source of Tathagata's power. When Mira stops Daewi from attacking saying how Deer had marked it, he says that she was correct and that he marked it as far back as far as when Daewi first faced defeat by Mubong's hands. Alongside Rabbit activating her true form, Deer did the same activating Howl of an old Deer. Seeing Rabbit be slashed by an attack from the BOT he comments how it was capable of making him lose the robe of sage. When Dan Mori appeared on the top of Mubong's temple, Deer is shocked at the sight of him. Dashing at Dan with the Bell of all evils, he states that his attacks wont beat them as its not strong enough, while he said this Dan used 27th Rhino in an attempt to smash him and the other pillars. While he braced for death, he witnesses Monkey use Mandala and Ryong's bones to stop it he states death is cruel. He was then kneed in the stomach by Dan before having his antlers forcefully torn off, and then being smashed into a paste by Yeoui.

He is then revived by his Black Book, activating his final form known as Old Deers Liberation, before he could react he is kneed in the head by Dan using the 25th Thunder Dragon, and kicked in the stomach. Using The Bell of All evils in conjunction with Kaleidoscope they attempt to kill Dan by using the Bell of All evil effects and reflecting damage. While Dan began to battle Rabbit, Deer finally met the time requirements for the marked Yeoui to be his, saying how while it would take longer because he shortened his life he gained it quicker and how he had no problem with only living a few more years since he had the strongest weapon. However after this Yeoui nearly slips from his hands from how heavy it is, struggling to lift it he says that it's his and that he'll learn to control it. Dan then tells Yeoui to get bigger and heavier, at first he stated that he could handle it, but seconds later he yells for Dan to stop. Afterwards he is punched into a nearby rock by Ryong. Being revived by Monkey, Deer expands his plants, outward around the entire planet encompassing it with his lotuses. However, it is immediately stopped by Infinite Barrier by Daewi allowing him to break through and punch Deer in half, his final moments he says the Book immediately letting Daewi be his master was stupid


Deer is an exceptionally powerful God, capable of massively overpowering Mira even though she had fragments of the Sages Body throughout her system, and the Blade Of Tathagata. Even when Mira gained the Wifi System, which amplified her power many times over he was still able to match her power, and was only defeated after she performed a feint which caused his fingers to be removed.

Superhuman Strength: Like his fellow pillars Deer is an immensely powerful god, he was able to easily cleave through and negate Yu Mira's, borrowed power and the 108 national treasures of Hanryang despite the power behind it. Even in his base form he was capable of casually overpowering Mira, even though she was significantly stronger and more durable than a normal human because of the fragments of the Jade Emperor's power that ran through her body. Even when Mira activated Wifi, massively increasing her power and mimicking the borrowed powers of the other humans in the area he was still able to match her in power despite her body immediately accepting the new arm and absorbing it's power.

X Ray: Deer has the ability to see inside the body of someone as seen when he X-rayed into Mira, which allowed him to find out that she had fragments of the Jade Emperors body throughout her body

Superhuman Endurance: Deer has shown a remarkable amount of endurance, not even reacting to any forms of pain given out to him. Even when half of his body was completely blown off by Daewi he simply continued on with his plan of attack. When he had multiple stab wounds, deep cuts, and wounds on his stomach he showed no reaction to the sudden burst of pain that flew through his body and focused more on the fact that he lost to Mira. Despite having all ten of his fingers removed by Bong Seon he had no reaction, only caring about what Mira's next move may be.

Plant Manipulation: Being the God of The Forest, Deer has to ability to manipulate or generate plants, roots, and flowers as if it was walking. He can manipulate these plants for a variety of purposes, such as growing over a structure and turning it into a flower, or allowing him to sense his opponents as seen when he burrowed his roots underground to allow him to find the exact location of the humans. Roots can be used to shred people or objects into pieces, allowing them to turn into flowers that Deer can control. These flowers can produce pollen for themselves, which upon contact with any living thing will cause them to vomit, before spontaneously combusting leaving no trace of them left at all, and forming them into more pollen. These roots are exceptionally sharp being able to easily slice through human bodies and borrowed powers when used. Deer is capable of sprouting large plants from inside the body of his foes. The range of how far he can extend these plants is immense as after being revived by Monkey he covered the entirety of the planet with his roots.

Lotus Manipulation: Deer has the ability to manipulate Lotuses for a variety of purposes, when the ability is first shown he was capable of creating a large tornado using these lotus petals. With his 12000 Lotuses form he was capable of creating 12,000 lotuses all with the same power as him that carried different unique elements compared to the others which he could use at once to overwhelm the enemy, He can transform his lotuses into an energy like substance allowing him to create a vortex above which lets him fire down a beam of energy. His ultimate Lotus attack is the Black Lotus, which by sacrificing his antlers he was capable of creating a black gas which when ingested or breathed in caused the being to transform into a black lotus.

Regeneration: Deer has potent regeneration being able to regenerate from having half of his body blown off by Daewi, and having the top half of his body completely consumed by Ryong. He was able to do both of these with relative ease as he showed no amount of struggle doing so.

Taboo Broken[]

By snapping one of the Antlers on his head, Deer releases his power breaking the Taboo placed on him by Tathagata. By activating this his form gets more sinister as he gains access to his national treasures and stronger spells, gaining a giant, fur cloaked to match his outfit, a heavenly aura accompanying the disciple of Buddha.

Enhanced Lotus Manipulation: While in this form he was able to generate a large tornado of Lotuses that was powerful enough to completely wipe out Mira and the other Humans had it not been for Wifi.

Enhanced Strength: Deers strength in this form is vastly amplified allowing him to nearly equal Mira after she activated Project Wifi and mimicked all borrowed powers in the area.

Antler Weapon Creation: In addition to heightened manipulation of lotuses, Deer is able to create sword like weapons made from his antlers which appear to be exceptionally durable as they could easily contend with the Blade of Tathagata, with not even a scratch being left on them.

12,000 Lotuses[]

Deer has the ability to activate this form while already being in his broken taboo state, while this is activated his antlers vastly grow in size, his loop of binding glows a pink energy, three white claw like masses erupt from his forearms and the emblem of a Deer's head marks itself over his chest.

Enhanced Strength: It can be inferred that this state amplifies his already massive power even more then when he first broke his taboo.

12,000 Lotuses: Like the name implies Deer can use a total of 12000 lotuses to his whim, each of these Lotuses carries a different element and are equal to him in power

Howl of an Old Deer[]

Deer transforms himself into a large twelve legged Deer, causing his antlers to expand in size once again, and for him to gain a large double sided Antler sword to his disposal, this form also retains his loop of binding though it seems to titan.

Enhanced Strength: This form vastly enhances his power to the point that Mira had to expand Wifi's territory and copy the borrowed powers of people around the entire planet to stand a chance against him.

Antler Generation: Deer can generate antlers from his body to stab into his enemies, they appear to be as sharp has his normal antlers.

Hybridization: Deer can combine both his Howl of an Old Deer form, and his breaking of the Taboo to create a form that is nearly identical to that of the Taboo form except his head is that of a Deer. It can be assumed that this form further enhances his power beyond what the two could provide separately.

Old Deer's Liberation[]

Deer morphs into a four legged being, with giant antlers, a ring behind his body, beads around his neck, and a Deer head that covers most of his face.

Enhanced Strength: In this form Deer's strength was vastly enhanced to the point where he could lift the Yeoui when it grew slightly bigger which was a task not even Uriel the God of Strength could accomplish. Although this seemed to require nearly all of his power and upon it growing larger he was barely above to carry it before he would be crushed.

Enhanced Plant Manipulation: Alongside his enhanced power Deer's control over plants grew to the point where he was capable of covering the entire planet in his roots.


Black Book[]

The Black Book is the main weapon of the Deer. The Book appears to be an encyclopedia of many weapons, armors, curses and other things at the very least it has knowledge of things such as the Robe of the Sage and the Yongpyo. It has also shown the ability to completely negate curses as seen when Sujin Lee cursed both Deer and Ryong and the book was able to easily negate it. Alongside this it granted Deer a variety of magical abilities to his disposal and allowed him to 'Mark' items. Where after a period of time Deer was able to gain control of the weapon though this did not rob the original owner of it as seen with Yeoui. However this ability was not combat applicable unless the user wished to greatly shorten their lifespan. With its magic the book had the ability to apply massive temperature and pressure on a target to the point of being able to turn the armoursuits into stone then shatter it. Finally the book had the ability to revive its master through what is called a Blood Oath. The amount of lives this grants its wielder is currently unknown though it can be assumed to be many. It is also capable of generating barriers.

Sages Robe[]

The Sages robe if the main attire of the King which Deer gained after marking it in Daewi's battle with Mubong. While he has never been seen summoning it he should be capable of Doing so. The Robe has powerful resistance against physical attacks, as it could completely block multiple gods' attacks. The Robe seems to have a form of consciousness resembling sentience, as Han Daewi thought that it wanted to be put on.

Bell of all evils[]

The bell has two phases with the second increasing the power of the first phase drastically. In the first phase, it has two abilities, the first being titled “Go Away” despite its simple name the ability is fairly powerful blasting the foe and the surrounding area away with a strong blast of pressure from the bell. The second ability is named agonies which sends a wave of pain into the target and makes them feel as if that pain is the worst imaginable and restricts their movement. This pain is only amplified by the second phase which increases the power of the agonies by a frightening degree. This Bell is also capable of assaulting someones Eardrums to the point of making them stumble. Additionally it has the ability to reduce weaker beings to nothing but soul vapours.


The weapon of the Monkey King which Deer had only attained for a short period, while he was able to lift it with immense struggle he was not able to control it in any way



