The God Of High School Wiki

Chapter 104 is the 104th chapter of The God of High School Webtoon.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Characters in bold denote the character's proper appearance.

Characters in italic are only seen briefly and have yet to make a proper appearance.

Martial Arts and Charyeok Used[]

Martial Arts and Charyeok in bold denotes the magic's first appearance.


Jegal Taek uses his Borrowed Power, Megalodon to stop many of Jin Mo-Ri's attacks before using his own skills in the martial arts to gain the upperhand in the fight.

Suddenly, as the nuclear missiles enter the atmosphere and near their target, the giant angel Sang Man-Duk has summoned manages to pull the key from within Mo-Ri's pants towards it, prompting Taek to attempt to get it.

